Adding Debug/Trace Logs

Microgateway uses two types of logs to track real-time internal and external activities. Separate log files are created for each of those log types in the <MGW_RUNTIME_HOME> /repository/logs directory. The log types supported by the MGW and how those logs can be configured is described below.

How to enable debug log

Enabling DEBUG level logs will help troubleshoot an issue. There are two ways to enable the DEBUG logs.

Method 1 Set as a command-line option

sh gateway <path-to-MGW-executable-jar-file> --b7a.log.level=DEBUG

Method 2 Set as an environmental variable (for docker).

docker run -d -p 9090:9090 -p 9095:9095 -e b7a_log_level=DEBUG

Method 3 Configure in the micro-gw.conf file which is located in the <MGW-RUNTIME-HOME>/conf directory.

  level = "DEBUG"

How to enable HTTP trace log

HTTP trace logs are used to monitor the HTTP message flows through the API Gateway. It can track request headers, request payloads, response headers, response payloads, etc. of incoming and outgoing HTTP traffic of the API Gateway. There are two ways to enable the HTTP trace logs.

Method 1 Set as a command-line option.

sh gateway <path-to-MGW-executable-jar-file> --b7a.http.tracelog.console=true

Method 2 Set as an environmental variable (for docker).

docker run -d -p 9090:9090 -p 9095:9095 -e b7a_http_tracelog_console=true

Method 3 Configure in the micro-gw.conf file which is located in the <MGW-RUNTIME-HOME>/conf directory.

console = true