OpenAPI Extensions

WSO2 API Microgateway supports the following OpenAPI Extensions. You can use these extensions to override information with regard to API specifications.

Extension Description Required/ Optional
x-wso2-basePath Base path that the gateway exposes the API. Optional → API level only
x-wso2-production-endpoints Specifies the actual backend of the service. Optional → API/Resource level
x-wso2-sandbox-endpoints Specifies the sandbox endpoint of the service if available. Optional → API/Resource level
x-wso2-request-interceptor Specifies the interceptor used to perform transformations and mediations on the request. Optional → API/Resource level
x-wso2-response-interceptor Specifies the interceptor used to perform transformations and mediations on the response. Optional → API/Resource level
x-wso2-throttling-tier Specifies the rate limiting for the API or resource. Optional → API/Resource level
x-wso2-cors Specifies the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration for the API. Optional → API level only
x-wso2-endpoints Defines the endpoint configuration globally which thereafter can be referred to using one of the following extensions.
  • x-wso2-production-endpoints
  • x-wso2-sandbox-endpoints
  • Optional
    x-wso2-response-cache Enable response caching when creating a new API with cache timeout level security Optional → API level only
    x-wso2-disable-security Enables the resource to be invoked without authentication. Optional → API/Resource level
    x-wso2-application-security Set Application security (api_key, basic_auth, oauth2), to set optional for application level security Optional → API/Resource level
    x-wso2-auth-header Specify the authorization header for the API in which either bearer or basic token is sent Optional → API level only
    x-wso2-transports Set transport types (http, https) Optional → API level only
    x-wso2-mutual-ssl Enable mutual SSL for an API (With optional and mandatory keywords as values) Optional → API level only
    x-wso2-owner Specifies the owner of the API. It is used to view analytics of dev first apis. (This user should be apim publisher user.) Optional → API level only


    • WSO2 API Microgateway supports only the "x-auth-type": "None" option to disable the security. Therefore, the following concepts of the auth types in WSO2 API Manager will not work with the WSO2 API Microgateway.
      • Application & Application User
      • Application
      • Application User
    • However, if you want to expose API/resource without security, you can also use the x-wso2-disable-security extension. Find more information about this extension from here.

    You can find some samples on how these OpenAPI extensions are used in Open API definitions.
