Rejecting Revoked Tokens

Follow the below steps to enable Real-time and Persistent token revocation.

To understand how WSO2 Microgateway handles revoked tokens happens, refer the documentation on Revoked Tokens.

The following sections explains the steps required to configure to handle revoked JWTs. The same steps can be used for handling revoked opaque tokens. However, for opaque tokens, you only need to enable real-time notifications. Follow one of the below sections based on your secure token service (STS),

  1. Configure WSO2 API Manager as the secure token service (STS) for token revocation
  2. Configure third party Security Token Service (STS) for token revocation

Configure WSO2 API Manager as the secure token service (STS) for token revocation


The API Manager is supporting token revocation from 3.0.0 onwards.

  1. Navigate to the <MGW_HOME>/conf/micro-gw.conf file and add the tokenRevocationConfig configuration similar to the following.

        enableRealtimeMessageRetrieval = true
        jmsConnectionTopic = "tokenRevocation"
        jmsConnectioninitialContextFactory = "wso2mbInitialContextFactory"
        jmsConnectionProviderUrl= "amqp://admin:admin@carbon/carbon?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'"
        jmsConnectionUsername = "admin"
        jmsConnectionPassword = "admin"
        enablePersistentStorageRetrieval = true
        type = "default"
        endpointURL = "https://localhost:9443/internal/data/v1"
        username = "admin"
        password = "admin"
        enableRealtimeMessageRetrieval = true
        jmsConnectionTopic = "tokenRevocation"
        jmsConnectioninitialContextFactory = "wso2mbInitialContextFactory"
        jmsConnectionProviderUrl= "amqp://admin:admin@carbon/carbon?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'"
        jmsConnectionUsername = "admin"
        jmsConnectionPassword = "admin"
        enablePersistentStorageRetrieval = false
        type = "default"
        endpointURL = "https://localhost:9443/internal/data/v1"
        username = "admin"
        password = "admin"
        enableRealtimeMessageRetrieval = false
        jmsConnectionTopic = "tokenRevocation"
        jmsConnectioninitialContextFactory = "wso2mbInitialContextFactory"
        jmsConnectionProviderUrl= "amqp://admin:admin@carbon/carbon?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'"
        jmsConnectionUsername = ""
        jmsConnectionPassword = ""
        enablePersistentStorageRetrieval = true
        type = "default"
        endpointURL = "https://localhost:9443/internal/data/v1"
        username = "admin"
        password = "admin"
  2. Generate a JWT token. Follow Obtain a JWT token using the WSO2 API Manager.

  3. Start WSO2 API Manager.

  4. Test the synchronization process of token revocation.

    1. Send the revoke request.

      curl -k -v -d "token=<token>" -H "Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-string>" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:8243/revoke 
      - `<jwt>` - Enter the opaque(reference)/JWT access token, that you want to revoke.
      - `<base64-encoded-string>` - Use a base64 encoder (e.g., <> ) to encode your client ID and client secret using the following format: `<clientId>:<clientSecret>` Thereafter, enter the encoded value for this parameter.
      curl -k -v -d "token=${token}" -H "Authorization: Basic U01OYVM0Tkg1UlJKSFJONDVoSzcxWElVbXdNYTo4ajRqTHFBUDZDNjNSTkFTVTdMZDEyeVUxbHNh" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" https://localhost:8243/revoke 
      < HTTP/1.1 200 
      < X-Frame-Options: DENY
      < RevokedRefreshToken: eb30e8cd-518e-3284-b3b5-bb2abd1a3385
      < Cache-Control: no-store
      < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
      < AuthorizedUser: [email protected]
      < Pragma: no-cache
      < RevokedAccessToken: eyJ4NXQiOiJNell4TW1Ga09HWXdNV0kwWldObU5EY3hOR1l3WW1NNFpUQTNNV0kyTkRBelpHUXpOR00wWkdSbE5qSmtPREZrWkRSaU9URmtNV0ZoTXpVMlpHVmxOZyIsImtpZCI6Ik16WXhNbUZrT0dZd01XSTBaV05tTkRjeE5HWXdZbU00WlRBM01XSTJOREF6WkdRek5HTTBaR1JsTmpKa09ERmtaRFJpT1RGa01XRmhNelUyWkdWbE5nX1JTMjU2IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbkBjYXJib24uc3VwZXIiLCJhdWQiOiJLOHdqaGc5NWY4R1FEOWhzMF9jWnpWSHF1ek1hIiwibmJmIjoxNjA4NzA1MzA5LCJhenAiOiJLOHdqaGc5NWY4R1FEOWhzMF9jWnpWSHF1ek1hIiwic2NvcGUiOiJhbV9hcHBsaWNhdGlvbl9zY29wZSBkZWZhdWx0IiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6XC9cL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo5NDQzXC9vYXV0aDJcL3Rva2VuIiwiZXhwIjoxNjA4NzA4OTA5LCJpYXQiOjE2MDg3MDUzMDksImp0aSI6ImJhMjdkMmQyLTBlMzAtNGZhMC1hY2VjLTJmOWYxYWQ4ODkwMCJ9.xdQvckDYVVkPsh_fXyMBE9DoZq0hXloIx5Pb1hQ-026U6P4QDjr66maPpeeprpLb_X0T_QwvD_aKx7YXnTWXONrPBxeZAeeuO1jo8mqtllwLCMvXKTlTZIQRzccNZaV7i_seiBGaiiPucKXI87bq01Fq_oNPWi8OP67UfxR97qNMNYgt1IrojdxvEBM8r5LVFbvKCy_e2JRumSmi1edBgQnaTnevFc5cWh1DHkOQWsuHhXvDtfgtsKV28Uv5B6rM2ttOgM3ErS2nFHutorbv_1BW6w1l6hVLouwqrjzKRx7CdKf1UI_HMOimR3Ghv6_OFsS0ONoeIIy47mPAxVmMRA
      < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
      < Content-Type: text/html
      < Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2020 06:35:32 GMT
      < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
      * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
      * Closing connection 0

      The following response can be seen via the WSO2 API Microgateway console if you have enabled debug logs.

      2019-06-14 17:20:45,636 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [TokenRevocationJMS] [-] token revoked jms Message Received
      2019-06-14 17:20:45,638 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [TokenRevocationJMS] [-] Successfully added to revoked token map
    2. Use the revoked token to send a request to WSO2 API Microgateway.

      curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://localhost:9095/petstore/v1/pet/findByStatus?status=available
      curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik5UQXhabU14TkRNeVpEZzNNVFUxWkdNME16RXpPREpoWldJNE5ETmxaRFUxT0dGa05qRmlNUT09In0=.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.NVez5rLf2H05AeuAnelDSiDSqj0VwD8A-KtOKr3GxxnelpTM14iyk_k9uyGdsHQ50t9uemowwTCTR2FRo6aOVg3o-RBHzQx2BQEa0VH6JNN83KS0ySkIxjTbNVyCHbFMgFpK0xnhoJyZwnGYYbozwHv2MTJXKdMBose-PclIAgoqNFWDJfYD1YWkdKzeH7QSYnVl6cJWo562PER9a141ydL1jh0snz8QEGKA25PmuvkZ33ydnXSlV1PIBNiHSWL-gTlCmapcPpRqJ8gG8Ld_BGg5QHvqx8YQRTT9p_AHOrhXm-i02IKxYT0zBs6f6y9YDo3F6OeWdmDzItJu14xeqA==" https://localhost:9095/petstore/v1/pet/findByStatus?status=available
      < HTTP/2 401 
      < www-authenticate: OAuth2 realm="WSO2 API Microgateway", error="invalid token" , error_description="The access token expired"
      < content-type: application/json
      < server: ballerina
      < date: Wed, 23 Dec 2020 12:05:38 +0530
      {"fault":{"code":900901, "message":"Invalid Credentials", "description":"Invalid Credentials. Make sure you have given the correct access token"}}

      The following response can be seen via the WSO2 API Microgateway console if you have enabled debug logs.

      2019-06-14 17:25:27,711 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Non-OAuth token found. Calling the auth scheme : jwt
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,711 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Processing request with the Authentication handler chain
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,712 DEBUG [ballerina/http] - Trying to authenticate with the auth provider: jwt
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,780 DEBUG [ballerina/auth] - Add authenticated user :admin to the cache
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,781 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] jwt found from the jwt cache
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,781 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] jti claim found in the jwt
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,782 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] Checking for the JTI in the gateway invalid revoked token map.
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,782 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] JTI token found in the invalid token map.
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,782 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] JWT Authentication Handler returned with value : false
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,783 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] JWT Token is revoked
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,783 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Authentication handler chain returned with value : false
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,784 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Removed header : Authorization from the request

Configure third party Security Token Service (STS) for token revocation

Let's use the following sample scenario.

  • Both Real-time Notifications and Persistent Notifications are enabled.
  • Default etcd based persistent notifier implementation will be used.


Before you begin make sure to configure your Security Token Service (STS)* and start it. In addition, when working with real-time notifications, you need to define the JMS map message payload in the following format.

"payloadData": [
    "name": "revokedToken",
    "type": "STRING"
    "name": "ttl",
    "type": "STRING"

*Security Token Service (STS) - The WSO2 API Manager is the STS if you are using a JWT token generated from the WSO2 API Manager. Then follow Configure WSO2 API Manager as the secure token service (STS) for token revocation

  1. If you select etcd/other service as the persistent storage, configure and start the persistent storage service.

    Click here for instructions to configure the etcd server.

    1. Download the etcd distribution based on your OS and unzip it. In this example, let's work with etcd v3.3.13 .

    2. Navigate to the unzipped etcd distribution and start the etcd server.

      cd <etcd_HOME>

      The following is a sample message that appear.

      2019-05-23 19:09:18.921356 I | embed: ready to serve client requests

      If you are working in a production environment, start the etcd server with HTTPS enabled.

      ./etcd --name infra0 --data-dir infra0 --cert-file=<PATH_TO_CERT>/server.crt --key-file=<PATH_TO_CERT>/server.key --advertise-client-urls=https://localhost:2379 --listen-client-urls=https://localhost:2379

    3. Setup the required authentication with the service as follows:

      1. Create a user.

        ./etcdctl user add <username>
        ./etcdctl user add root
        New password:
        User <username> created
      2. Create a user role.

        ./etcdctl role add <role_name>
        ./etcdctl role add root
        Role <role_name> created
      3. Assign the user to the user role.

        ./etcdctl user grant <username> --roles <role_name>
        ./etcdctl user grant root --roles root
        User <username> updated
      4. Enable user authentication.

        ./etcdctl auth enable
        Authentication Enabled
    4. Optionally create a directory in the etcd server to store the revoked JWT IDs (jti). This directory can have any name (e.g., jti, jwt) however you have to add this directory name to the endpointURL property in persistent storage configuration.

      ./etcdctl -u <username> mkdir <directory_name>
      ./etcdctl -u root mkdir jti
    5. Store the key value pair in the etcd server.

      ./etcdctl -u <username> set <jti> <ttl>
      ./etcdctl -u root set "3ad5672a-afca-4387-9ec5-fcf28785f803" 3600
      • <jti> - Enter the JWT ID (jti) that corresponds to the JWT token.
      • <ttl> - Enter the time-to-live (TTL) respective to the revoke token in milliseconds.
      • <username> - Username of the user created in previous steps.


    If you want to check whether you have stored your key-value pair correctly, run the following command.

    ./etcdctl  -u <username> get <jti>
    ./etcdctl  -u root get 3ad5672a-afca-4387-9ec5-fcf28785f803
  2. Establish security between the persistent storage (etcd server), WSO2 API Microgateway, and the STS.


    This is only required if you are working in a production environment.

    1. Create a self-signed certificate for the persistent storage.
    2. Add the self-signed certificate to the Ballerina Trust Store ( ballerinaTruststore.p12 ) in the WSO2 API Microgateway project and to the Client Trust Store in the STS (e.g., add to client-truststore.jks in WSO2 API Manager).
  3. Configure and start a JMS broker to host the token revocation topic.

    Click here for instructions to configure the Apache ActiveMQ JMS Broker as an example.

    1. Download Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.8 and extract it in the filesystem.

    2. Start the server.

    cd <ActiveMQ-home>/bin
    ./activemq start            
    1. Go to the ActiveMQ admin console (http://localhost:8161/admin is the default URL for ActiveMQ admin console) using your browser.

    2. Create a topic using the console. We use admin as the username and password for authentication in this example.

    3. Create a topic with the name tokenRevocation using the console.

    4. Since we create an ActiveMQ specific broker, relavant jars needs to be copied to <MGW_project>/lib. Therefore copy the following files from the ActiveMQ distribution in <ActiveMQ-home>/lib to <MGW_project>/lib directory.

      • activemq-client-5.15.9.jar
      • geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar

      Then build the project again.

    5. Start the gateway. The following response can be seen via the WSO2 API Microgateway console if you have enabled debug logs.

      INFO [wso2/gateway] - [TokenRevocationJMS] [-] subscriber service for token revocation is started
  4. Navigate to the <MGW_HOME>/conf/micro-gw.conf file and add tokenRevocationConfig configuration similar to the following.

        enableRealtimeMessageRetrieval = true
        jmsConnectionTopic = "tokenRevocation"
        jmsConnectioninitialContextFactory = "org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"
        jmsConnectionProviderUrl= "tcp://localhost:61616"
        jmsConnectionUsername = "admin"
        jmsConnectionPassword = "admin"
        enablePersistentStorageRetrieval = true
        type = "etcd"
        endpointURL = "<etcd-server-access-URL>/v3/keys/jti/"
        username = "root"
        password = "root"
        enableRealtimeMessageRetrieval = true
        jmsConnectionTopic = "tokenRevocation"
        jmsConnectioninitialContextFactory = "org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"
        jmsConnectionProviderUrl= "tcp://localhost:61616"
        jmsConnectionUsername = "admin"
        jmsConnectionPassword = "admin"
        enablePersistentStorageRetrieval = false
        type = "etcd"
        endpointURL = "<etcd-server-access-URL>/v3/keys/jti/"
        username = "root"
        password = "root"
        enableRealtimeMessageRetrieval = false
        jmsConnectionTopic = "tokenRevocation"
        jmsConnectioninitialContextFactory = "org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory"
        jmsConnectionProviderUrl= "tcp://localhost:61616"
        jmsConnectionUsername = "admin"
        jmsConnectionPassword = "admin"
        enablePersistentStorageRetrieval = true
        type = "etcd"
        endpointURL = "<etcd-server-access-URL>/v3/keys/jti/"
        username = "root"
        password = "root"


    When working with persistent notifications, if you introduced new configurations in your custom implementation, then you have to provide the corresponding values for those properties in the <MGW_HOME>/conf/micro-gw.conf file under the [tokenRevocationConfig.persistent] section.

  5. Generate a JWT token.

    • Use any third party secure token service (STS) You need to add the public certificate of the token service that you used to sign the JWT token to the trust store of the WSO2 API Microgateway. Follow the documentation on Configuring JWT issuers for more details.
  6. Test the synchronization process of token revocation.

    1. Send the revocation message using the JMS topic.

      Click here for instructions to use ActiveMQ JMS Broker as an example.

      For this example, we use ActiveMQ REST API to push a message to the tokenRevocation topic as follows.

      curl -X POST -d 'revokedToken=${token}' "http://admin:admin@localhost:8161/api/message/tokenRevocation" -v

      The following response can be seen via the WSO2 API Microgateway console after revocation data successfully retrieved to the Microgateway if you have enabled debug logs.

      2019-06-14 17:20:45,636 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [TokenRevocationJMS] [-] token revoked jms Message Received
      2019-06-14 17:20:45,638 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [TokenRevocationJMS] [-] Successfully added to revoked token map
    2. Use the revoked JWT token to send a request to WSO2 API Microgateway.

      curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT-token>" https://localhost:9095/petstore/v1/pet/findByStatus?status=available
      curl -k -i -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik5UQXhabU14TkRNeVpEZzNNVFUxWkdNME16RXpPREpoWldJNE5ETmxaRFUxT0dGa05qRmlNUT09In0=.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.NVez5rLf2H05AeuAnelDSiDSqj0VwD8A-KtOKr3GxxnelpTM14iyk_k9uyGdsHQ50t9uemowwTCTR2FRo6aOVg3o-RBHzQx2BQEa0VH6JNN83KS0ySkIxjTbNVyCHbFMgFpK0xnhoJyZwnGYYbozwHv2MTJXKdMBose-PclIAgoqNFWDJfYD1YWkdKzeH7QSYnVl6cJWo562PER9a141ydL1jh0snz8QEGKA25PmuvkZ33ydnXSlV1PIBNiHSWL-gTlCmapcPpRqJ8gG8Ld_BGg5QHvqx8YQRTT9p_AHOrhXm-i02IKxYT0zBs6f6y9YDo3F6OeWdmDzItJu14xeqA==" https://localhost:9095/petstore/v1/pet/findByStatus?status=available
      HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
      content-type: application/json
      content-length: 146
      server: ballerina/0.990.5
      date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 17:25:27 +0530
      {"fault":{"code":900901, "message":"Invalid Credentials", "description":"Invalid Credentials. Make sure you have given the correct access token"}}

      The following response can be seen via the WSO2 API Microgateway console if you have enabled debug logs.

      2019-06-14 17:25:27,711 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Non-OAuth token found. Calling the auth scheme : jwt
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,711 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Processing request with the Authentication handler chain
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,712 DEBUG [ballerina/http] - Trying to authenticate with the auth provider: jwt
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,780 DEBUG [ballerina/auth] - Add authenticated user :admin to the cache
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,781 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] jwt found from the jwt cache
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,781 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] jti claim found in the jwt
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,782 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] Checking for the JTI in the gateway invalid revoked token map.
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,782 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] JTI token found in the invalid token map.
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,782 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] JWT Authentication Handler returned with value : false
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,783 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [JWTAuthProvider] [-] JWT Token is revoked
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,783 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Authentication handler chain returned with value : false
      2019-06-14 17:25:27,784 DEBUG [wso2/gateway] - [AuthnFilter] [-] Removed header : Authorization from the request


Realtime configurations

Property Description
`enableRealtimeMessageRetrieval` This property is disabled by default. Set this property to `true` if you want to enable Real-time Notifications.
`jmsConnectionTopic` This is the name of the topic in the JMS Message Broker that WSO2 API Microgateway listens to in order to identify messages related to revoked tokens.
`jmsConnectioninitialContextFactory` `jmsConnectionProviderUrl` `jmsConnectionUsername` `jmsConnectionPassword` Similar to `jmsConnectionTopic` these are also JMS related configuration. As you can't use a custom implementation when using Real-time Notifications, you will not need to change these configurations.

Persistent configurations

Property Description
`enablePersistentStorageRetrieval` Set this property to `true` if you want enable Persistent Notifications.
`type` This property is set to `"default"` in the default configuration, so that you can use WSO2 API Manager eventhub as the default persistent storage. If you are using any other persistent storage, other than `default`, you need to define your custom implementation in the `/extensions/token_revocation_extension.bal` file. Thereafter, you need to name set a preferred type name in this property.
`endpointURL` The default value is `https://localhost:9443/internal/data/v1`. However, you can use etcd version 3 (`/v3/keys/jti/`) or even another persistent storage of your choice.
`username` Enter the username of your persistent storage server (e.g., etcd server). The default value for the etcd server is "root".
`password` Enter the password of your persistent storage server (e.g., etcd server). The default value for the etcd server is "root".