Configuring micro-gw.conf for Docker

You can use environment variables when running Docker to override the configurations in the <MGW-RUNTIME-HOME>/conf/micro-gw.conf file.

  • The -e flag in the docker run command is used to create environment variables.
  • You need to create the variable name by appending the micro-gw.conf configuration hierarchy by using an _ underscore to define each level of the hierarchy.

Example 1 - Defining the Listener HTTPS port

Let’s assume that you are going to override the assigned value for httpsPort under the [listenerConfig] configuration in the micro-gw.conf file. The following code snippet shows part of the configuration in the micro-gw.conf file.

  host = ""
  httpPort = 9090
  httpsPort = 9095

As you can see in the above sample, the httpsPort is set as 9095. In order to change value of the httpsPort value you do not need to make any changes to the mico-gw.conf file. Instead, when you run the Docker command, you need to append the environment variable in the run command as shown below.

docker run -e <environment-variable>='<value-for-environment-variable>' -d <api>:<api-version>
docker run -e listenerConfig_httpsPort='9091' -d petstore:v1
  • As the httpsPort configuration is under listenerConfig, the environment variable name is listenerConfig_httpsPort by appending both configuration hierarchy levels with _.

Example 2 - Disabling Key Manager security

Let’s assume that you are going to fetch an environment variable for enabled under the [] configuration in the micro-gw.conf file. The following code snippet shows part of the configuration in the micro-gw.conf file.

  serverUrl = "https://localhost:9443"
  tokenContext = "oauth2"
    enabled = true
    username = "admin"
    password = "admin"

As you can see in the above sample, the enabled is set as true. In order to change the value of the enabled value you do not need to make any changes to the mico-gw.conf file. Instead, when you run the Docker command, you need to append the environment variable in the run command as shown below.

docker run -e <environment-variable>='<value-for-environment-variable>' -d <api>:<api-version>
docker run -e keymanager_security_basic_enabled='false' -d petstore:v1


You can define multiple environment variables when you run Docker as follows:

docker run -e <environment-variable-1>='<value-for-environment-variable-1>' -e <environment-variable-2>='<value-for-environment-variable-2>' -d <api>:<api-version>
  • As the enabled configuration is under the keymanager_security_basic configuration, the environment variable name is keymanager_security_basic_enabled.