
The following are the configurations with regard to WSO2 API Microgateway Toolkit. The configuration file ( toolkit-config.toml ) for the Microgateway toolkit is located in the <MGW-TK_HOME>/conf directory.

Heading Description Sub Heading Description Default value
client The configurations of the Microgateway toolkit client when connecting with the WSO2 API Manager (WSO2 API-M) server to fetch API data. httpRequestTimeout The client request timeout in seconds 1000000
token The configuration required to get a valid token from WSO2 API-M in order to communicate with its secured REST APIs. baseURL The base REST API URL of the WSO2 API-M server. When you update this parameter, this will be applied as the baseURL in the subsequent REST API URLs. https://localhost:9443
restVersion The API Manager version and its respective REST version. When you update this parameter, this will be applied as the REST version in the subsequent REST API URLs. v1.2
dcrVersion The API Manager version and its respective DCR (Dynamic Client Registration) version. When you update this parameter, this will be applied as the DCR version in the subsequent Client Registration URL. v0.17
publisherEndpoint The Publisher REST API URL of the WSO2 API-M server. {baseURL}/api/am/publisher/{restVersion}In special scenarios the user can directly enter the complete URL for endpoints.
adminEndpoint The admin REST API URL of the WSO2 API-M server. {baseURL}/api/am/admin/{restVersion}. In special scenarios the user can directly enter the complete URL for endpoints.
registrationEndpoint The dynamic client registration endpoint URL of the the WSO2 API-M server. This is used to create an OAuth app in the WSO2 API-M server in order to request tokens. {baseURL}/client-registration/{dcrVersion}/register.In special scenarios the user can directly enter the complete URL for endpoints.
tokenEndpoint The token endpoint of the WSO2 API-M server that is used to request tokens in order to communicate with REST APIs. {baseURL}/oauth2/token.In special scenarios the user can directly enter the complete URL for endpoints.
username The username of the user that is authenticated in the WSO2 API-M server in order request details from REST APIs.This value gets automatically filled when the user enters data via the CLI. You can specify a username as well, so that then the CLI only asks the user for a password.
clientId The client ID of the application that is created on the WSO2 API-M server. This value will also be automatically created when the user adds values via the CLI. You can override the value here in order to be able to use an already existing application rather than creating a new OAuth Application.
clientSecret The client secret of the application. his value will also be automatically created when the user adds values via the CLI. You can override the value of the client secret here.
trustStoreLocation The trust store location of the Microgateway toolkit.
trustStorePassword Encoded value of the trust store password.
corsConfiguration The Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) related configuration used by the Microgateway runtime accessControlAllowOrigins Specifies the allowed origins
accessControlAllowCredentials Includes cookies on cross-origin requests. false
corsConfigurationEnabled Defined whether CORS support is enabled or not for the Microgateway. true
accessControlAllowHeaders Allowed headers. ["authorization", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Content-Type", "SOAPAction"]
accessControlAllowMethods Allowed HTTP methods. ["GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"]


The following is a sample Microgateway toolkit configuration file.

        httpRequestTimeout = 1000000
        baseURL = "https://localhost:9443"
        restVersion = "v1.2"
        dcrVersion = "v0.17"
        publisherEndpoint = "{baseURL}/api/am/publisher/{restVersion}"
        adminEndpoint = "{baseURL}/api/am/admin/{restVersion}"
        registrationEndpoint = "{baseURL}/client-registration/{dcrVersion}/register"
        tokenEndpoint = "{baseURL}/oauth2/token"
        username = ""
        clientId = ""
        clientSecret = ""
        trustStoreLocation = "{PATH}/wso2am-micro-gw-toolkit-macos-3.2.0/lib/platform/bre/security/ballerinaTruststore.p12"
        trustStorePassword = "k+KUSUEt+jGHTCkm+O0IGZQHnz4xn2wEHHRrBp8CBj4="
        accessControlAllowOrigins = ["*"]
        accessControlAllowCredentials = false
        corsConfigurationEnabled = false
        accessControlAllowHeaders = ["authorization", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Content-Type", "SOAPAction"]
        accessControlAllowMethods = ["GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"]