Preserve/Override Headers

By default, some headers of the request and the response will be overridden in the API Microgateway. If you have a requirement to preserve/override the request headers to be sent to the back-end or to preserve/override response headers to be received from the back-end.


This feature is available from WUM timestamp 1612370612556 (03/02/2021) of API Microgateway Toolkit 3.2.0.

Preserve Request and Response Headers

You have the capability to preserve the headers by adding the following configuration to the <MICRO-GW-RUNTIME_HOME>/conf/micro-gw.conf file. In order to preserve the header, you have to set the preserveHeader configuration to true.

    headerName = "User-Agent"
    preserveHeader = true

Override Request and Response Headers

You have the capability to override the headers by adding the following configuration to the <MICRO-GW-RUNTIME_HOME>/conf/micro-gw.conf file. In order to override the header, you have to set the preserveHeader configuration to false and add the desired header to overrideValue.

    headerName = "User-Agent"
    preserveHeader = false
    overrideValue = "ballerina"
Configuration Description Default
headerName Name of the header to be preserved/overridden. -
preserveHeader Preserve/override the header (true to preserve the header/false to override the header). true
overrideValue The value to override the header (this value will not be considered if the preserveHeader value is true). ballerina


User-Agent header in the request and the server header in the response can be considered as two special cases. User-Agent header in the request will not be preserved and server header in the response will be preserved by default.

You can preserve the User-Agent header in the request by adding a configuration and setting preserveHeader to true. If you have a requirement to override the server header in the response, you can set preserveHeader to false and add the desired string to overrideValue configuration.
